Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Beautiful and Damned

I'm currently reading F. Scott Fitzgerald's 1922 novel, The Beautiful and Damned; on my brand new Kindle.

I'm not sure what I'm more excited about, the fact that I've finally decided to read all of Fitzgerald's novels, I did make the conscious decision not to start with The Great Gatbsy - or that I've finally given into a by product of this new overwhelmingly technological era. For someone whose revered the art of bookmaking and finds the smell of new paper and ink demoniac, trading in the pleasure of truly feeling like you own a tangible piece of someone's mass produced art for a six inch device that compiles Conrad, Eliot, and Hugo like its no big deal, still hurts.

I'm not sure if what depressed me more is to not be able to see an entire collection of what I've read in a neat little bookshelf, with the titles placed in order of literary magnificence, feats I have accomplished, my own personal trophies of voyages with characters like Lily Bart and Fanny Price, or that I would no longer be able to physically turn a page. Turning pages can feel nearly as good as unwrapping presents. Trust me on that.

However, now that I have dared myself to try the inevitable, I can comfortably say, it is well worth it. For all of you out there who have endured two hour long commutes to and from work, like I have, fear no longer for the health of your shoulders and back, or for what to do when the book stores close before you have a chance to purchase your next journey. Be smart, get a Kindle.

Now, as for The Beautiful and Damned, although I am only 38% (according to my too cool for school Kindle) into my rendezvous with good ol' Scottie I can say two things thus far: he has an obsession with the word NEBULOUS and FACETIOUS - and if you have a soft spot for the Jazz Age, or are enamored with the personal lives of writers of the Lost Generation, or simply want to know what really drove Zelda to the looney bin - READ IT.

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